Estimands online workshop

Estimands online workshop

Staburo estimands online workshop

The gold standard for evaluating medical interventions is a randomised clinical trial with statistical analysis based on the intention-to-treat population. However, even if a randomised clinical trial is well planned, post-randomisation events occur and affect or even challenge the interpretation and validity of the study results.

In November 2019, ICH published an addendum to the ICH E9 guideline to address such problems by the so called “Estimand Framework”. This framework aims to ensure an alignment of trial objectives, study design, data collection, and choice of statistical analysis methods – at the stage of protocol writing.

The interactive workshop is designed for all stakeholders of a clinical study and will include many active training elements (50:50 ratio of theory vs. training)! You will be trained on all topics of the estimand framework. We will present and discuss examples from various study phases and different medical indications. After this hands-on training you will be confident in developing and writing estimands for study protocols.

After the great interest in the estimands workshop last year, we are happy to offer it again! The course will take place on 10 + 11 October 2022. The course will be held in English. You can find more details here.

For questions and registration please contact

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo Run 2022

Staburo Run 2022

Staburo Run – sport day number 2


An expanded team comes together – let’s get the sporty spirit rolling”


Our annual company run is already a tradition since 2016. It originated in the B2Run, a Germany-wide event held in different cities, Munich among those.

In 2021, the corona pandemic forced us to think creatively. We wanted to continue the run but as something less anonymous that still sticks to the safety regulations. Based on these conditions, we quickly designed our own internal company run in 2021 with the aim to encourage the sporty spirit in us, reconnect with colleagues, and find a complement to our usually sedentary tasks.

For this year’s run, we unintentionally chose one of the hotter days of this summer. But, thanks to our team spirit, we were able and motivated to join.

Our start and finish line was the sweet brown snail next to Bavariapark. The track was marked with green balloons and ribbons and went as a circle across Westpark.

To ensure everyone runs the whole circle, team members had to find a statistics book, tear out a page, and hand it in at the finish line as proof that he/she had not taken a shorter way.

After a little warm-up session team members grouped together, smartly dressed in their new Staburo Data Science t-shirts, and battled their way through the heat. After about 5 K everyone successfully reached the finish line in the shade. Drinking water was served and water-filled balloons were smashed to cool down. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, with lots of chit-chatting going on. At about 6 pm most of us joined for a toast and food in the Biergarten am Bavariapark.

All in all, it was a fun afternoon out, and running together was motivating and inspiring and bought us closer together as a whole team. A big thank you goes out the the organisers and all participants!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo GmbH 10 year anniversary summer party

Staburo GmbH 10 year anniversary summer party

Staburo GmbH 10 year anniversary summer party

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Staburo GmbH, we organised a summer party. It was a great pleasure to spend this special day with almost 120 people – employees & their families, friends, and other companions.

Even though the weather was unfortunately not so good, we had a nice barbecue & ice-cream, special Staburator beer – served in Staburo mugs, tattoos, tasty cocktails, and great live music. We really enjoyed spending time together again! Some moments were also captured in the PhotoBox. These pictures now decorate our office and remind us daily of this wonderful evening!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo contributed to publication to assess Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay

Staburo contributed to publication to assess Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay

Staburo contributed to publication to assess Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay

Staburo supported an exploratory analysis of the mRNA-1273 Phase 1 Trial to assess the clinical utility of the quantitative Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay (ACOV2S). Geometric mean concentrations as well as seroconversion over time was assessed overall and by dose and age group.

Antibodies were detectable already at the first time point of assessment. All participants had seroconverted at the time point of the second assessment.

The paper was recently published in Frontiers in Immunology:

Staburo’s contribution is mentioned in the acknowledgements.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Meet the Management – Janine Roy – Director Bioinformatics and Data analytics

Meet the Management – Janine Roy – Director Bioinformatics and Data analytics

Meet the Management – Dr. Janine Roy – Director Bioinformatics and Data analytics

Since our team grew substantially, we searched, appointed, and enabled a bigger management team at Staburo, consisting of two heads (of departments) and six directors (focus on data science topics). Here, we want to give them a chance to talk about themselves and their passion! Therefore, we publish a mini news series about the management team members and will continue with our director director bioinformatics and data analytics, Dr. Janine Roy.

Who are you?

I am Janine Roy, director bioinformatics and data analytics at Staburo. I am a trained bioinformatician. I got my diploma from University of Jena and then moved to Dresden to do my PhD and post-doc at the Centre of Biotechnology (BIOTEC).

Tell me something about your area of expertise.

I support costumers in a range of tasks, mainly associated with transcriptomics data – starting from QC of raw data, over creating count matrices and finding differentially expressed genes, as well as interpreting them in a biological context.

Additionally, I am also involved in writing official reports. All this in the context of GCP.

I have a profound knowledge of programming R, bash, and Linux, as these are the essential tools that I use.

What are your goals for your role?

As Staburo started as a statistical consulting company, I like the idea of expanding the scope of the company. With the new field of bioinformatics, we now cover the whole range of data analysis in the clinical context from transcriptomics raw data to significantly deregulated genes, their biological interpretation and later helping our customers to present these results to the authorities for market access (e.g., G-BA, EMA/FDA).

What motivates you as an individual?

I always wanted to have an impact on human life. Therefore, I chose to do my PhD in Dresden, where I worked on improving cancer outcome prediction by integrating network information into transcriptomics data analysis. During my post-doc I was able to improve my knowledge working with human NGS data due to close collaboration of my former PI and university clinics. This intention still drives me today!

What would you like to share about your personality that you believe it is useful for your role?

As the position requires a lot of communication with costumers (e.g., PIs, technicians, statisticians, medical writers) and colleagues it is quite helpful that I am a proactive and outgoing person.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.