Staburo @ APF meeting by International Biometric Society German Region

Staburo @ APF meeting by International Biometric Society German Region

Staburo @ APF meeting

On November 26, Staburo participated in the annual workshop of the APF (working group Pharmaceutical Research) by the International Biometric Society German Region. This year’s workshop (just like the one last year) took place virtually due to Covid-19 and focused on the topic “Breakthrough Therapies”, the agenda can be found: HERE

This year, Staburo was granted the privilege of organising the virtual evening meeting on November 25. In honour of the Munich roots of our company, each participant received a beer package for an online beer-tasting event, organised by Staburo Managing Director Dr. Hannes Buchner. The package contained four different types of beer, each of them brewed in or around Munich and, as a highlight, included the home-brewed “Staburator” beer.

During the workshop, the attendees listened to a talk about EU early access schemes including a Risk/Benefit assessment of early market access. Furthermore, the presentations included a talk regarding potential statistical challenges faced by planning a confirmatory trial for breakthrough therapies. In the end, the topic of early access was revisited, this time focusing on early access in the German HTA-procedure – concluding that it does not make life in German HTA easier.

The presentations were topped off with a detailed discussion of the most interesting aspects.

All participants are looking forward to another successful workshop in 2022, which will hopefully provide the possibility to interact and discuss in person again!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo presents at University of Konstanz about the work life of a biostatistician

Staburo presents at University of Konstanz about the work life of a biostatistician

Staburo presents at lecture series ‚Mathematik im Beruf‘ at University of Konstanz 

Susanne Steinhauser from Staburo GmbH presented the working life of a biostatistician at the ‘Mathematik im Beruf’ series at the University of Konstanz. The series of lectures aim to introduce possible future working fields to students and PhD students of the mathematical faculty. During the presentation and subsequent discussion, the students learned about the different tasks of a biostatistician in a clinical study, a typical workday as well as possibilities of starting a career in this field of work. It was a great pleasure to talk about the topics that we are passionate about and in which we see a very big purpose. We hope that we could spark interest in the students to join us and consider a career in biostatistics! A big thank you goes to University of Konstanz for giving us this opportunity!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo @ R/Pharma 2021 Conference

Staburo @ R/Pharma 2021 Conference

Staburo @ R/Pharma 2021 Conference

Staburo participated in the R/Pharma 2021 Conference hosted by a committee existing of R practitioners from different companies, universities, and the FDA from the 2– 4 November. The conference took place online due to Covid19.

The conference provided an overview of new and upcoming R packages in the development of pharmaceuticals and discussed the challenges and opportunities of using R in the pharma industry. For example, the admiral package developed by Roche and gsk offers a consistent and CDISC compliant way to generate ADaM datasets in R. Furthermore, the GeneTonic package provides a Shiny application that makes it easier to analyze and visualize transcriptome data and results.

In addition to the usual discussions within the presentations there was also time to exchange views on all statistical and pharmaceutical topics throughout the conference. In this context, attention was also drawn to a statistical YouTube channel, which we would like to share with you.

We are looking forward to participating in next year’s conference where we can hopefully meet the speakers and attendees in real life!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Christmas Party 2021 @ Staburo

Christmas Party 2021 @ Staburo

Christmas Party 2021 @ Staburo

The Staburo Christmas Party followed the “tradition” of an online event for the second year in a row, but we made the best of the situation and had a very jolly time. As last year, the delivered food boxes contained a three-course menu, which was prepared by each participant after the year in review by Managing Director Dr. Josef Höfler.

The second highlight of the evening was an online crime game, with real actors! Some of the teams completed the challenge (solving a “Wine queen” kidnapping case), however the solution was quite difficult. The others unfortunately triggered a bomb which killed the “Wine queen” and destroyed most of the local wine production – not for the faint hearted!

As the last agenda item, we had a beer tasting with Managing Director Dr. Hannes Buchner. Each employee received a tasting set beforehand, including the famous hand crafted STABURATOR, plus Hacker-Pschorr Kellerbier, Giesinger Bräu Lemondrop and one Rammlerbräu Helles from former Staburoian Max Siebold!

We wish you relaxing Christmas holidays as well as health and happiness for the new year!





Update: results of MS Teams employee feedback poll in a word cloud below.


Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo GmbH has now 50 employees

Staburo GmbH has now 50 employees

Staburo GmbH has now 50 employees 

Staburo GmbH reached the major milestone of 50 employees last week! We are very proud of our dynamic team and are looking forward to the future with a great working environment in an open, friendly, and international team that develops together! It was a wonderful ride until now, and we will continue to provide advanced, high quality data science services for our international pharmaceutical clients.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo Sports Day

Staburo Sports Day

Staburo Sports Day

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – Confucius

Overcoming the challenges of a pandemic can feel like trying to move a mountain, but on September 23rd we came together (with distance) as a group to move some stones. The Staburo Sports Day wasn’t just our way to replace the annual B2Run event, but a sorely needed reconnect with our colleagues.

Starting at the Kolumbusplatz we all made our way south along the Giesingerberg, guided all the way by the green and white of Staburo thanks to the adventurous work of Ulrike and Laura earlier that afternoon. Although summer was dwindling, we found ourselves catching up with our co-workers in the sunshine and enjoying the last of the green leaves along our route. We walked and ran our way towards Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, passed the Grünwalder Stadion, and crossed the Isar at the Marienklause. The balloons that marked our way were collected enthusiastically all the while (no, not by the statisticians, by the kids!). Our route finished after 5 kilometres with Gabi (our well-defined endpoint) who greeted us with drinks and a smile. Finally, we ended our evening at the Asam Schlössl Biergarten with Brotzeit, drinks, and Kaiserscharrn.

Whether we’ll have a B2Run in 2022 remains to be seen, but what we know for certain is that Staburo can find a way to stay active and keep our ties strong.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.