Staburo @ PSI Biomarkers SIG Webinar

Staburo @ PSI Biomarkers SIG Webinar
A couple of weeks ago, our colleagues participated in the PSI Biomarkers SIG webinar on the topic of “Biomarkers in Clinical Development”.
PSI is a community which is dedicated to leading and promoting the use of statistics within the healthcare industry for the benefit of patients. PSI connects more than 1000 like-minded individuals around the world who enjoy exchanging ideas and networking.
The 90-minutes webinar was well planned and fully packed with presentations about recent advances in biomarker-based enrichment designs, machine learning for biomarkers, and data repositories for biomarker use cases. The PSI Biomarkers SIG aspired to create a bigger focus on data repositories and thus the very experienced speakers coming from the University of Warwick, from Boehringer Ingelheim and from AstraZeneca presented their latest insights on these topics.
All attendees had the opportunity to participate in the discussions that revolved around the following topics: “issues and potential solutions in predictive biomarker-driven enrichment trial design”, “thoughts on the past, present and future of Machine Learning for biomarkers”, and “where are the publicly available biomarker data”.
Thanks to the organizers and the speakers for sharing their latest insights on these exciting and current topics. For more details about this webinar check out the PSI event site.
What’s next this year? At PSI conference 2023 in June there will be another biomarkers session as well as another interesting webinar in Q3 in 2023.
We are already looking forward to more and new insights!
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