2017 B2RUN Munich

2017 B2RUN Munich

B2RUN_Staburo_Biostatistics_2017The Staburo team once again proved that it has endurance, power and a great finish. This time, for a change, not in biostatistics projects – but in the 2017 B2RUN Munich, alongside 30,000 other runners.

The race track was 6.1km long and took us through the picturesque 1972 Olympic Park, which alone was worth the hardship. We may not have been the fastest overall, but we claim to have finished as No. 1 in the biostatistics consulting category.

If other companies want to challenge this, please send us the exact data. One of our statistics experts will check it out – be aware that very fast outliers will not be analysed here.

After the B2RUN, we relaxed and had dinner together at the greek restaurant ‘Kalypso’ in Munich. Great weather, great event, great team!


Workshop Staburo 3DSE Biostatistics Strategy 2022

Workshop Staburo 3DSE Biostatistics Strategy 2022

With the support of Dr. Thilo Pfletschinger from 3DSE, we developed the company strategy for Staburo for the next five years. Before the workshop, all employees gave input to possible goals and the prospects of Staburo. The final strategy includes all our common goals and gives guidance, how to achieve them. Our clients profit from our support in biostatistics and statistical programming – now and in the future!


New member of the Staburo team

New member of the Staburo team

We are very happy to welcome Laura Schlieker in our team. Laura will support our clients with her experience in biostatistics, especially within the area of Translational Medicine & Biomarkers. We are looking forward to a great cooperation!


Training@Staburo: Guideline for sample size calculations at Staburo

Training@Staburo: Guideline for sample size calculations at Staburo

staburo sample sizeThe presentation was about the current guideline for sample size calculations that is in place at Staburo. This guideline has been presented to the whole team and is intended to help everybody, when performing such calculations in his/her projects.

The first version of this guideline has been finalised and contains already some settings (such as evaluations with binary or time-to-event endpoints). However, the objective is that all colleagues get involved and share their experience (different types of trial settings/designs, of endpoints). Indeed, each project has its own specifics, each colleague has his/her own expertise areas and is therefore able to contribute to improve the guideline. On the other side, this guideline will help in new projects with similar questions as previous ones, since it gathers earlier experience.

Ideally, each setting contains the following parts: assumptions and methodology used with corresponding references, example of program doing the calculation (using SAS or other adapted), and template text for protocol.

As a conclusion, this guideline will bring benefit to new projects and further improve the quality of our handling of customers‘ requests!


Staburo biostatistics support in diabetes trial

Staburo biostatistics support in diabetes trial

Biostatistics_Staburo_diabetesAnother publication with Staburo biostatistics support, this time in diabetes type 2.

Background: Studies of dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors report heterogeneous effects on endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). This study assessed the effects of the DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin versus the sulphonylurea glimepiride and placebo on measures of macro- and microvascular endothelial function in patients with T2D who represented a primary cardiovascular disease prevention population.

The full publication can be found here: https://cardiab.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12933-016-0493-3

Enjoy reading!

Feel free to reach out to us if you need support in your study!