Introduction to Statistics course

Introduction to Statistics course

Introduction to Statistics online course 

Our first course “Introduction to Statistics course” will be a 2-day course 02-03 November 2020!

The course, which takes place online, is about providing a solid foundation in Statistics through practical application and with mathematical details kept to a minimum. Topics will be descriptive Statistics (how to summarize data), exploration of data, graphics, and presentation of data, assessing significant differences between groups, investigation of associations and correlations and basic trend analysis.

This course is designed for anyone wishing to understand basic statistical techniques thoroughly, e.g.: Clinical Research Associates, Project Managers, Team Managers, Principal Investigators, Medical Professionals, CMC Managers, Regulatory Affairs Managers.

The course will be held in English and the detailed agenda will be sent out a few days before the start of the course. You find more details here!

For more information

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo launches “Staburo Academy”

Staburo launches “Staburo Academy”

Staburo GmbH launches “Staburo Academy” (!

Staburo is specialized in Biostatistics, Statistical Programming and Data Science. We cover a wide range of statistical services and develop tailor-made client solutions.
We love to share our statistical expertise and therefore we offer specific training programs. Our coaches are statisticians with a broad practical knowledge and teaching experience. The trainings can range from basic to very state-of-the-art statistical topics. All courses will be tailored to the specific interests of the audience. However, our portfolio of existing courses can help to find the right combination of topics.
There will be several Staburo training courses. For example:
– Introduction to Statistics course
– Introduction to R course
– Advanced statistical methods course
– Machine learning and high-dimensional methods course

Our first online course “Introduction to Statistic course” will be a 2-day online course on 02-03 November 2020! Apply now on !

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo Session @ GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020: Children and Career

Staburo Session @ GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020: Children and Career

Staburo @ conference of the GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020

Dr. Hannes Buchner, Managing Director from Staburo participated in this online Conference on 08 SEP 2020 and talked about the topic “Children and Career” together with Benjamin Hofner from PEI, Cornelia Kunz and Julia Igel from Boehringer Ingelheim, Marvin N. Wright from Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology and Antonia Zapf from the UKE (Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf). This session was part of the Podium Discussion: “Traditional vs. new career paths in Data Science” (Hüls/Kunz). The abstract of this session can be found at the end of this post.

After a short introduction, Hannes talked about Staburo´s concept for a good work-life-balance which is in fact not limited to parents but to employee needs in general. This includes most importantly home office and flexible working hours for everyone as well as permanent contracts and individual arrangements for contracts.

Please be aware of the other 2 GMDS & CEN-IBS contributions from Staburo, which will be published as recorded sessions:

  • Estimands in treatment switching (Juliane Manitz and Hannes Buchner)
  • Pre-specified matching analyses in an observational study (Lena Herich and Hannes Buchner; both Staburo)

It was the 65th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), Meeting of the Central European Network (CEN: German Region, Austro-Swiss Region and Polish Region) of the International Biometric Society (IBS) including the 66th Biometric Colloquium of the German Region. They agreed on a small online format (


Kinder? Karriere? Beides! Viele Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen fragen sich, wie man Familie und Beruf am besten vereinbaren kann. Fragen wie “wann ist die beste Zeit eine Familie zu gründen?” oder “ist es möglich, Karriere in der Industrie oder der Wissenschaft zu machen und gleichzeitig Kinder zu erziehen?” beschäftigen viele junge Berufstätige.

Die Session gibt Einblicke von Eltern, die bereits die Herausforderung, Familie und Beruf zu vereinbaren angenommen haben. In mehreren Kurzvorträgen berichten Mütter und Väter von ihren Erfahrungen, sowie den Höhen und Tiefen ihrer persönlichen Wege. In der anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion werden Themen wie “Kinder lieber früher oder später bekommen”, “Industrie versus Wissenschaft”, “Elternzeit und Teilzeit” sowie “Auslandsaufenthalte und Dienstreisen mit Kind”, “Umzug und Jobwechsel” diskutiert.

 Die Session soll Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen und jungen Berufstätigen Mut machen, Kind und Karriere mit einander zu vereinbaren, zum Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen berufstätigen Eltern anregen, und ein Bewusstsein für die Wünsche und Herausforderungen bei Vorgesetzten schaffen. 

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo supports research on the impact of coronavirus disease on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials

Staburo supports research on the impact of coronavirus disease on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials

Staburo supports research on the impact of coronavirus disease on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials

On behalf of Staburo, Josef Höfler and our former colleague Nicole Krämer submitted comments on the EMA’s draft guidance on “Points to consider on implications of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on methodological aspects of ongoing clinical trials”.

The guidance, set up by the Biostatistics Working Party, covers actions that sponsors of ongoing clinical trials affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic should take to help ensure the integrity of their studies and interpretation of study results while safeguarding the safety of trial participants as a first priority.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Post event: Anything new for oncology?

Post event: Anything new for oncology?

Post event: Anything new for oncology?

Lately, Basel Biometric Section and EFSPI organized a webinar “Estimands addendum is final: Anything new for oncology?”. You can find the program, the slides, a recording of the entire event, and a document that answers questions that were raised in the chat during the event on the BBS webpage.

In addition to Hannes Buchner from Staburo GmbH (1:23:53 of recording) and Ingolf Griebsch from Boehringer Ingelheim (1:12:30), Kaspar Rufibach from Roche (0:20), who is a member of the BBS board, Anja Schiel from the Norwegian Medicines Agency (6:55), Renaud Capdeville from Novartis (40:40), Tina Nielsen from Roche (54:33) and Stefan Englert from AbbVie (1:46:58) gave exciting lectures, which can be viewed on the webpage.

The panel discussion in the end was held from all speakers plus Rob Hemmings from Consilium and Michael Wenger from Novartis.

With just short of 400 registered participants the event was a huge success!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.