Publication of bioavailability study with biostatistics support of Staburo

Publication of bioavailability study with biostatistics support of Staburo

Staburo_Biostatistics_MagnesiumStaburo delivered biostatistics services in this bioavailability study.

The development of several disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis, has been linked to suboptimal dietary magnesium (Mg) intake. In this context, a number of studies have tried to investigate which Mg compounds are best suited for Mg supplementation. Results suggest that organic Mg compounds are superior to the inorganic Mg oxide in terms of bioavailability, but a reliable statement cannot yet be made due to systematic differences in the applied study designs.

The full publication can be read here:

Feel free to reach out to us if you need support in your study!

Training@Staburo: Generating meaningful analysis from raw data using the Staburo SAS programming environment

Training@Staburo: Generating meaningful analysis from raw data using the Staburo SAS programming environment

The Staburo SAS programming environment facilitates the creation of meaningful outputs, such as tables, listings and figures (TLFs), from client supplied data.

This process consists of two key steps:

From raw data to intermediate derived data:
Data supplied by the client is not easily turned directly into desired outputs. The first step groups and formats raw input and also calculates new needed data elements. Data and programs are examined for issues and errors.

From intermediate derived data files to TLF outputs:

During this step, statistical analyses are performed and TLF outputs produced.

Finally, all programs are scanned for error and warning messages and programs involved in the process are validated by a second programmer.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

christmas card staburo biostatisticsWe wish all our partners and future partners, all our employees and future employees, and all their families a wonderful Christmas and a great start in 2017. Staburo will continue to support you with experienced biostatisticians and statistical programmers next year and in the years to come!

Training@Staburo: The AMNOG process

Training@Staburo: The AMNOG process

This talk provided insight into the system of the AMNOG and the hurdles which have to be overcome in the assessment of a benefit, with focus on the statistical needs. In particular, the process at the German authorities “Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss” (G-BA) and “Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen” (IQWiG) should be outlined.
On the basis of an example of a medicinal product, which has completed the process, the different steps of the evaluation, according to the early benefit assessment were illustrated and discussed. Further examples display the problems which need to be solved with the use of statistical methods (e.g. subgroup analysis or meta-analysis).


Cocktail course Christmas celebration

Cocktail course Christmas celebration

This year’s Staburo Christmas party took place in the Barschule München, where we learned very much about famous Cocktails, its variants and how to produce them.

We started the course with (single-)blinded sensorical testing of different alcoholic analytes, by smelling only. The best of us could get about half of the samples right, which showed a lot of training potential here.

Then, Matthias Knorr, the owner of the Barschule explained about Gin and Rum and we could – this time unblinded – taste the differences between the brands and production styles.

This was followed by a very active bottle juggling – or flair bartending – show in the training room of the school, where we could also practice some tricks.

In the last session, Matthias showed us how to produce tasty drinks – we even made a Lebkuchen (gingerbread) cocktail!