Staburo supported evaluation of medical device which got FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19

Staburo supported evaluation of medical device which got FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19

Staburo supported evaluation of medical device which recently got FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19

Staburo Managing Director Dr. Hannes Buchner and our team was involved in statistical consulting and performing data analysis in a trial for a medical device which is now being used in COVID-19 patients.

The device binds SARS-CoV-2 and removes it from the blood. It has been shown to also remove inflammatory markers such as IL-6. Other inflammatory markers that have correlated to poor outcome such as d-dimers and Ferritin have decreased during and after treatment. Stabilization of blood pressure has also been reported and reduction in the need for vasopressors. This allows additional time for supportive care while reducing the source of inflammation and preventing further damage caused by the pathogen.

Further information can be found on the company’s website:


Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo team home office workout

Staburo team home office workout

Staburo team stays healthy, positive and at home

The Staburo team is entirely working from home, which works quite seamlessly thanks to a well prepared IT infrastructure and software tools.

To keep a positive attitude during uncertain times, Staburo Managing Director Roland Stieger decided to offer short morning workouts via MS Teams to start the home office day fresh, until the situation (especially in our neighboring countries) hopefully eases.

We are very proud to support the pharmaceutical industry with our services, which is the only industry that can build sustainable weapons against infectious diseases.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo

Students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo

Students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo

Nine Master students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo as part of their Statistical Study Trip to Munich.

After a welcome from our Managing Director Josef Höfler, the students learned more about how statistics is applied in the “real world”. Many topics were covered, including biostatistics, programming, consulting and precision medicine. After an office tour and a short overview on potential Master and PhD theses, the students discussed with our employees about what it is like to work as a statistician in a company.

We had a great time presenting the various exciting areas of work at Staburo. If you are also interested in our expertise, do not hesitate to contact us.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTA

Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTA

Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTA

How beneficial are new drugs? This question gained more and more importance, after the German authorities introduced the AMNOG law in 2011, to restructure the market and the reimbursement system. Since then, it is obligatory that every new introduced medication runs through the process of an early benefit assessment, where at the end a decision is made, if there is a beneficial need for the new introduced drug. Based on this benefit, the market price of the product is negotiated.

The training was structured in two major parts. In the beginning, the whole process was shown with the major players in the process (like the G-BA and IQWiG) and the process of the early benefit assessment itself. Here, the relevant statistics topics where highlighted. Furthermore, the whole process was presented.

The second part was about the statistics workflow needed for analyses in module 4 of the dossier. Here, the mandatory endpoints, like survival and quality of life, where shown in combination with the analysis to perform to proof the benefit of the new drug. In addition to the analysis of the mandatory and supportive analysis, a short overview of the work package in statistics was presented, beginning with the planning of the confirmatory trial and the tasks during the whole process, until the decision about the benefit is made.

In the end of the presentation, recent decisions of the G-BA and the IQWiG were shown, also to highlight potential problems, which can occur during the process.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.

Staburo at the G-BA in Berlin

Staburo at the G-BA in Berlin

Staburo at the G-BA in Berlin

Josef Höfler from Staburo participated as statistical expert in an advisory meeting at the institution of “Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss” in Berlin, in the context of health technology assessment.

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) is the highest decision-making body of the joint self-government of physicians, dentists, hospitals and health insurance funds in Germany.

It issues directives for the benefit catalogue of the statutory health insurance funds (GKV) for more than 73 million insured persons and thus specifies which services in medical care are reimbursed by the GKV.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.