Staburo at Roche Future X Healthcare 2017 in Munich

Staburo at Roche Future X Healthcare 2017 in Munich

Staburo at Roche Future X Healthcare 2017 in Munich

Staburo’s Head of Biostatistics Dr. Hannes Buchner took part in the first Roche Future X Healthcare 2017 event in Munich. The topic was „Making Data Meaningful – from Science to Patients“, a motto that could easily fit to our daily work at Staburo.

The agenda started with an introduction by Dr. Ursula Redeker (Spokesperson of the Executive Board, Roche Diagnostics GmbH) and patron Ilse Aigner (Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs, Media, Energy and Technology) and was followed by inspiration talks, networking @ its best and a panel discussion: „Personalised Healthcare in a Digital Era“, with networking opportunities in between. A little more diversity in the panel discussion would have added the cherry on the sundae.

The award winners for FXH Scientific Excellence and FXH Start-up were announced afterwards, in a oscar-like ceremony. Very professional video footage of the barcamps for participants in both competitions was shown, which was very entertaining. There were even unique awards designed and crafted by Munich art students. The FXH Scientific Excellence award was won by Lara Schneider, from University of Saarland. FibriCheck, a medically certified screening and monitoring application for the detection of irregular heart rhythms, won the FXH Start-up award – great idea and potentially a lifesaver!

The Roche Future X Healthcare 2017 was an event, which was a big advertisement for Roche, Bavaria and the connected healthcare data science start-up and academic scene.

We are very happy that media and client interest puts these former niche topics on the agenda, so if you need a partner to make your data meaningful, don’t hesitate to contact Staburo today!


You need support with your healthcare data project?

Staburo at BIO-Europe 2017 in Berlin

Staburo at BIO-Europe 2017 in Berlin

BIO_Europe_2017_Berlin_Stieger_StaburoStaburo’s Managing Director Roland Stieger joined the BIO-Europe for the third time and enjoyed the good organization and networking opportunities of this partnering conference.

The event started with a great panel discussion, with relevance for Staburo “The evolving role of Real World Evidence in regulatory approval and reimbursement decisions” (panelists: Stella Blackburn, IQVIA; Janice Haigh, PAREXEL; Athula Herath, Novartis).

Since some of these data analyses are pretty non-standard, we see a lot of potential to support big pharma clients for a niche data expert CRO like Staburo.

Furthermore, there were other relevant panel discussions about “Health Technology Assessment in Europe” and also very interesting ones, like a “Startup Slam” where entrepreneurs could pitch their biotech ideas.

Roland Stieger attended the well organized official BIO-Europe receptions and invite-only events like the BIOCOM PanAm-Lounge, great location by the way! Thanks to EBD for this conference and see you next year in Copenhagen.

Here you find some live footage of Roland by

Training@Staburo: CDISC SDTM

Training@Staburo: CDISC SDTM

Staburo Biostatistics Workshop - 2. Presentation (2)

In this talk, an introduction into CDISC, especially in SDTM and the strategy how to program it, were presented.

The talk started with general information and important terms about the fundamentals of SDTM. We discussed the different kinds of datasets and how variables can be classified. Furthermore, we talked about the use of the controlled terminology.

The second part of this talk was about programming of SDTM domains. Steps and tips how to create datasets, Trial design model datasets, sponsor defined domains, and the appropriate specification sheet, were presented. Finally, the QC with Pinnacle21 was discussed.

Training@Staburo: ANOVA

Training@Staburo: ANOVA

Staburo Biostatistics Workshop - 1. Presentation

The first presentation of this year’s traditional “Wiesn” workshop was about the statistical method “Analysis of Variance”. It is a very useful tool to examine the influence of one or more categorical variables on a continuous target variable and applies to many types of clinical studies.

Main topics were the basic principle of variance analytical models, the model itself and the test decision. Furthermore, the practical implementation via R und SAS was presented on the basis of an example and the used code can serve as orientation for applications. The last important part was how to interpret and work with the output of different procedures and functions. SAS and R both provide different possibilities to work with ANOVA and each has it’s pros and cons.

The participants can now rely on a even more expanded and deepened knowledge, when it comes to ANOVA or similar analysis methods, which will be useful for a great amount of projects in the future.

New Staburo team member

New Staburo team member

MatiuWe are very proud to welcome Michael Matiu in our team. Michael will support our clients with his experience in biostatistics and his profound statistical programming background. We are looking forward to a great and long-lasting cooperation!