Staburo is one of the top companies 2024

We are proud to announce that the employer rating platform kununu recognizes Staburo GmbH as top company 2024.

The award is based on the independent assessments of our employees on the platform. This makes Staburo one of the companies with the best working environment in Germany.

This result is in line with our company philosophy. We are committed to the highest ethical standards, social responsibility, and integrity. We have a common mindset which reflects current social topics including compliance, data privacy, environmental sustainability, protection of human rights, gender diversity, fairness, and ethical behaviour.

Staburo’s Managing Directors – Hannes Buchner, Josef Höfler and Roland Stieger – emphasize that a great work environment is key in our company. The character of our company culture and spirit is based on our core values: permanence, open-minded, service and support mindset, solidarity and fun, curiosity and willingness to learn, reliability and commitment. Our daily communication and interactions within the team, towards clients and partners are built on these fundamental principles.

We are delighted about this award with 4.7 out of 5 stars and would like to thank all our employees for their continuous great work, trust and feedback.

Click here for our kununu company profile:

We look forward to continuing to deliver excellent data science to improve and save lives.

Happy new year 2024 to everyone!

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.