News & Training

Staburo news about trainings, events and more
Post event: Anything new for oncology?

Post event: Anything new for oncology?

Post event: Anything new for oncology? Lately, Basel Biometric Section and EFSPI organized a webinar "Estimands addendum is final: Anything new for oncology?". You can find the program, the slides, a recording of the entire event, and a document that answers questions...

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Staburo team home office workout

Staburo team home office workout

Staburo team stays healthy, positive and at home The Staburo team is entirely working from home, which works quite seamlessly thanks to a well prepared IT infrastructure and software tools. To keep a positive attitude during uncertain times, Staburo Managing Director...

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Students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo

Students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo

Students from the University of Copenhagen visited StaburoNine Master students from the University of Copenhagen visited Staburo as part of their Statistical Study Trip to Munich.After a welcome from our Managing Director Josef Höfler, the students learned more about...

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Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTA

Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTA

Training @ Staburo: AMNOG and HTAHow beneficial are new drugs? This question gained more and more importance, after the German authorities introduced the AMNOG law in 2011, to restructure the market and the reimbursement system. Since then, it is obligatory that every...

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Staburo at the G-BA in Berlin

Staburo at the G-BA in Berlin

Staburo at the G-BA in BerlinJosef Höfler from Staburo participated as statistical expert in an advisory meeting at the institution of “Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss” in Berlin, in the context of health technology assessment.The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) is the...

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