Staburo @ the DIA Global Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference 2020
Staburo participated in the 2020 Global Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference hosted by the Drug Information Association (DIA) from the 16 – 18 November, this year online due to – you guessed it – covid19.
During the conference different regulatory agencies such as the FDA and the EMA provided updates concerning their disclosure platforms. The FDA provided an overview of new and upcoming features of ClinicalTrials.gov which are of immediate use to us in our day to day work disclosing studies on this platform. The EMA discussed the upcoming release of their new central European disclosure platform CTIS (Clinical Trials Information System) which will mark a major shift in the way clinical trials are disclosed in the EU.
Besides the regulatory agencies a range of industry experts joined the conference, leading to interesting discussions about topics such as the global harmonization, BREXIT, disclosing medical device studies and the future of clinical trial regulation. These talks provided valuable insights into the current state and future goals of global clinical trial disclosure.
We are looking forward to participating in next year’s conference where we can hopefully meet the speakers and attendees in real life!
If you have any questions about our disclosure services, don’t hesitate to contact us!
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