Staburo presented @ workshop from the working group Pharmaceutical Research (APF)
On November 27, Staburo Managing Director Dr. Hannes Buchner gave a talk at the 74th workshop of the APF (Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazeutische Forschung) of the Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR). Together with Kaspar Rufibach from Roche Pharma, he presented new findings from their Oncology Estimand Working Group in the talk “Estimands update: Summary of world-wide authority interaction”. In his part of the talk, Dr. Hannes Buchner explained how to correct for treatment switching in clinical trials and how it can be included into the estimand framework.
The virtual APF workshop titled “COVID-19: Effects on statistics, methodological aspects and operational implications” was organised for biometricians working in pharmaceutical research and development, to accelerate the exchange of methods among colleagues as well as to transport mutual information on official regulations, methodological developments, and scientific events.
UPDATE 22-DEC-2020 (Thanks for sharing, Kaspar Rufibach)
For those interested to learn more: the slidedeck Hannes Buchner and Kaspar Rufibach presented is available on the webpage of the oncology estimand WG: www.oncoestimand.org (go to “Events”).
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