Staburo @ European Statistical Forum in Munich

On Tuesday, 14th November 2023, the Staburo team comprising Hannes Buchner, Laura Schlieker and Sarah Mwiberi Juckel attended the 14th European Statistical Forum held in Munich, Germany. The conference was organised by life science academy and attracted participants from both academia and industry all over Europe.

The theme of the conference was statistical methodology in precision medicine and the role of artificial intelligence. A wide range of topics all centered around precision medicine were presented including creation of fairer ML algorithms, quantification of uncertainty on ML systems, training a learner algorithm, biomarker threshold optimisation, application of polygenic scores in clinical trials as well as AI/ML and omics methods. The keynote speaker was Prof. Werner Brannath from the University of Bremen. He gave a presentation on the population-wise error rate (PWER), a novel type I error rate which has applications in clinical trials with multiple populations where there is a chance for multiple type I errors.

The conference concluded with an interactive Q & A session, in which speakers and attendees discussed the current and future roles of statistics, precision medicine and artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry.

The conference also allowed for networking and intense discussions during breaks. We look forward to sharing our insights with our colleagues at Staburo.

Data analysis, clinical biostatistics and more.