JCO published results of Staburo-supported study investigating stem cell transplantation as a reasonable treatment option for older MDS patients
The results of the so-called VidazaAllo Study – with Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) being the sponsor – has been published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) on July 20. The key objective of the VidazaAllo Study was: Can allogenic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in older patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) improve overall survival in comparison with standard 5-azacytidine (Vidaza) therapy? The project was led by the principal investigator Prof. Dr. Nicolaus Kröger of UKE. Staburo GmbH contributed to the conception and design of the study and was responsible for all statistical data analyses and interpretation. The article is published here.
You would like to meet Dr. Gabriele Bleckert and Dr. Hannes Buchner, who supported this study? They will be hosting our next Academy course – the Estimands workshop in September. Check out our Staburo Academy website and sign up!
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